Rapid review of medical record using global trigger tool

IHI Global Trigger Tool used to review medical records for adverse events

Figure 1. Incidence of Adverse Events
(adverse events per 100 inpatient days)
Figure 1. Incidence of Adverse Events<br />(adverse events per 100 inpatient days)
Table 1. Adverse Events by Severity
Adverse Events: E+F+G+H+I; Sentinel Events: G+H+I
E 72% 75%
F 10% 15%
G 8% 7%
H 8% 0%
I 2% 2%

Results from our first year of experience with this methodology are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. A total of 170 medical records were reviewed after being selected at random according to the protocol in the IHI White Paper. Table 1 shows that our results were comparable to the IHI data, except for category H. This reflects the transitory nature of this event, and the lack of documentation in the medical record. During this period, we were unable to find a single example of this.

Table 2. Adverse Event Indicators
Adverse Events: E+F+G+H+I; Sentinel Events: G+H+I
Indicator Numerator Denominator Rate
Trigger events/chart 185 170 1.09%
Adverse events/chart 97 170 57.0%
Sentinel events/chart 2 170 1.2%
Ratio of Trigger Events to AE 185 97 1.9%
AE without Trigger Event 2 13 15.4%
Ratio of Sentinel Events to AE 13 97 13.4

Table 2 shows some indicators derived from the data we retrieved from the 170 medical records. This table shows that nearly every chart had a trigger event (1.09%), and that an adverse event occurred approximately once for every two charts (57%). Of concern is the relatively high incidence of adverse events found in charts without a trigger, reflecting the incomplete documentation common at that time.
