Color coding indicates centile bands

Fruit color is used to indicate different levels (deciles) of performance.

Based on the concept of traffic lights: red (to be improved), yellow (not yet completely improved), green (acceptable).

Fruit Background color Top-box (L5), top-two boxes (L4+L5),
average (L1+L2+L3+L4+L5)/5
Bottom-box (L1),
bottom-two boxes (L1+L2)
green apple Aqua
≥ 90%
[1] Use improvement t½ to set goal
[2] Analyze cost of quality (cost analysis)
[3] Pursue service excellence, become the benchmark
< 1%
guava Light Green
≥ 80% And < 90%
[1] First year goal to improve by 5%
[2] Start using t½ concept of improvement
[3] Analyze cost of quality (cost analysis)
≥ 1% And < 2%
banana Yellow
≥ 60% And < 80%
Strategy: goal raised to "guava" level (≥80%)
[1] First year goal to improve by 10%
≥ 2% And < 3%
papaya Orange
≥ 40% And < 60%
Strategy: goal still to reach "banana" level
[1] First year goal to improve by 20%
≥ 3% And < 5%
tomato Red
≥ 20% And < 40%
[1] First year goal to improve by 20%
[2] Benchmark study with "apple" groups
≥ 5% And < 8%
cherry Bright red
< 20%
Problem defined numerically … Strategy:
Initial goal to reach "banana" level (≥60%)
[1] First year goal to improve by 20%
[2] Benchmark study with "apple" groups
≥ 8%
gray Gray
No data