What is the Standardized Infection Ratio?
Hospitals have many differences. Some treat sicker or older patients than others. Sicker patients who end up in the ICU or CCU are more likely to develop hospital-acquired infections. Hospitals affiliated with a medical school generally treat sicker patients than most hospitals. Not all hospitals have the same types of ICUs. For example, patients in burn units or trauma units are more at risk of acquiring infections. These differences make it difficult to compare hospitals fairly. A statistical method called "risk-adjustment" standardizes the differences across hospitals by adjusting for risk-factors and allows all hospitals to be measured more fairly.Risk adjustment is:
- more sensitive for low denominators.
- has the ability to combine data.
- is useful for predicting state and national rates.
The standardized infection ratio (SIR) is a measure that is used to compare how a single hospital's rate of infection compares to the average of a reference population adjusted for risk. It is an historical control (lag indicator). The reference standard used here for hospital-acquired infections is the rate reported by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NSHN) in their annual report from all US hospitals reporting to the system.
Hypothesis testing methods apply to the comparison of any two proportions, keeping in mind that all comparisons must be done on risk stratified data. [ NNIS Risk Index ] Hence, the same methods can be used to perform internal comparisons of SSI (SIR) rates and device utilitzation.
- in external comparison with NNIS.
- compare each risk category of surgery with the NNIS standard.
- SIR as a risk-adjusted summary measure of different risk categories of surgery.
- compare two surgeons: SIRx and SIRy (two standardised ratios).
- compare two surgical teams.
- of the same surgeon at two different points in time.
- SIR for device utilization (CLABSI, CAUTI, VAP).
- SIR as a summary measure for device utilization.
Research shows that when healthcare facilities are aware of their infection issues and implement concrete strategies to prevent them, rates of certain hospital infections can be decreased by more than 70 percent. The US national 5-year prevention target for CLABSIs outlined in the HHS Action Plan to Reduce HAIs
uses the concept of an SIR equal to 0.25 as the goal. The real measure of success will come when SIRs can be followed over time to indicate if positive progress occurs and is sustained. The ultimate goal is zero HAIs, so efforts are never complete.
How SIR is calculated
The total number of actual events (e.g. hospital-acquired infections) reported is compared to the predicted number derived from the reference database.
With this methodology, the SIR for the national baseline is 1.0. However, the standardized ratio is only a point estimate, and needs additional information to indicate if it is statistically significantly. Confidence intervals (95%) are used to determine if the difference has meaning or if the variation may be due to change.
Keypoints of statistical analysis (and EXCEL functions)
SIR is calculated by the indirect method of standardization. The confidence interval is derived from the Poisson distribution. The hypothesis test (z-test) is used to calculate P values, but the data being compared must be normally distributed. When the sample size is greater than 30, this will be the case, and can be confirmed by a minimum expected cell frequency greater than 1.0. When it is less than 1.0, Fisher's Exact Test (based on the hypergeometric distribution) is used, although the SIR is usually not calculated in this case because it does not meet the minimum requirement for precision. Reporting on too few procedures is a risk to patient confidentiality, so if there are fifty or fewer central line days, the report for the number of infections is usually deferred until there are more central line days. The lower bound of the confidence interval is calculated only if the infection count > 0.
The ratio of two standardized ratios (for example, comparing results for this year and last, or for comparing two surgeons) is the ratio of the two SIR values calculated from risk stratified data (Poisson distribution), but the confidence interval in this case is derived from the binomial distribution.
Relevant EXCEL functions [ Excel worksheet {sir_excel.xls} ]
- Normal distribution: probability (p) from z value
- p = 1-NORMSDIST(z)
- Poisson distribution: probability (p) for observed (Ox) and expected (Ex) counts
- Poisson distribution: confidence interval from count (Ox) (where α = confidence as decimal eg 0.95)
- Lower Limit = CHIINV[(1+α)/2, 2*Ox]*0.5
- Upper Limit = CHIINV[(1-α)/2, 2*Ox+2]*0.5
- Binomial distribution: confidence interval for proportions (where x=sample, n=population (denominator), α = confidence as decimal eg 0.05)
- Method (a):
Lower Limit = x/[x+(n-x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(n-x+1), 2*x)]
Upper Limit = (x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(x+1), 2*(n-x))/[n-x+(x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(x+1), 2*(n-x))] -
Method (b): gives the same result as method (a)
Lower Limit = 1-BETAINV(1-α/2, n-x+1, x)
Upper Limit = 1-BETAINV(α/2, n-x, x+1)
- Method (a):
- Binomial distribution : probability (p) for proportions
- x=sample (numerator), n=denominator, p=α (eg 0.05 for 95% confidence interval):
p = MIN[BINOMDIST(x, n, p, TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(x-1, n, p, TRUE)] - When comparing two standardised ratios: probability (p) for observed (Ox, Oy) with expected counts (Ex, Ey)
p = MIN[BINOMDIST(x, n, p, TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(x-1, n, p, TRUE)]
where x = Ox, n = Ox+Oy, p = Ey/(Ex+Ey)
- x=sample (numerator), n=denominator, p=α (eg 0.05 for 95% confidence interval):
- Fisher Exact Test (Excel for small values, otherwise use EpiInfo or other statistical software) Sample {i, n} and NNIS {I, N} ⇒ i,I = number of SSI; n,N = denominators; x=loop counter.
For x=0 To 9
a = AND[x<=(i+I), x≤n]
b = IF(a, HYPGEOMDIST[x, n, (i+I), (n+N)], "")
c = HYPGEOMDIST[x, n, I, N]
d = IF(b<c*1.00001, b, "")
P = Σ(d)
Worked examples (Table 1, Table 3) from Culver [3] using Excel
Table 1: Culver [3] page 2
Data for the sample to be assessed are shown in blue (Columns C and D).
The NNIS population data (shown in red in Columns F and G) should be obtained from the latest published NHSN report [8] .
You should complete Table 1 yourself using the Excel equations as shown in Columns E and Column H, and cells C7, D7, and E7.
Columns C,D,E: sample; Columns F,G,H: population
i, I: SSI infections; n,N: denominators; r,R: HAI rates
![Table 1. Infection Control Report Team A](https://unaettie.com/img/culver_1.png)
Table 3: Culver [3] page 13
Data continued from Table 1, with columns C to H hidden for convenience on this webpage.
Columns I to L were added as follows:
Column I: P {stands for proportion
} ` P = (i+I)/(n+N) `
I2 = (C2+F2)/(D2+G2)
copy this formula downwards from I2 to I6.
first row => I2 = (3+103)/(80+5088) = 0.02051
Column J: ` J* = (1/n + 1/N) `
J2 = (1/D2+1/G2)
copy this formula downwards from J2 to J6.
first row => J2 = (1/80+1/5088) = 0.01270
![Table 3. Infection Control Report (with p-values) — Team A](https://unaettie.com/img/culver_2.png)
Rates r and R are the two proportions that we wish to compare. Now calculate the following z-statistic (formula 1, page 6).
K column: `z = (|r-R| - 0.5 times (1/n+1/N))/sqrt(P times (1-P) times (1/n+1/N)) `
`K2 = (ABS(E2 - H2) - 0.5 times J2)/sqrt(I2 times (1-I2) times J2)`
copy this formula downwards from K2 to K6.
`K2 = (0.01726 - 0.00635)/sqrt(0.000255) = 0.68299`
L column shows the p-value obtained from the z-test. For each row, the p-value ` = 1-NORMSDIST(z)`
`L2 = 1 - NORMSDIST(K2)`
copy this formula downwards from L2 to L6.
first row => `L2 = 1 - NORMDIST(0.68299) = 0.24731`
A SIR of 1.0 means that a hospital is doing the same as the reference database (national average), a SIR of less than 1.0 means there were fewer than expected, and a SIR above 1.0 means there were more.
- If the 95% confidence interval range for a particular hospital includes the value 1.0 (lower limit less than 1.0, upper limit greater than 1.0), the actual SIR value is not statistically different from the national average.
- If the range does not include 1.0 then the actual value is statistically significantly different from the national average. However, a low rate may be due to under-reporting of infections, or to infrequent and/or short duration of device use.
Example Report
Procedures | O | Rate | NHSN | E | O/E | LCL | UCL | P |
524 | 13 | 2.481% | 1.276% | 6.687 | 1.94 | 1.035 | 3.324 | 0.0196 |
Worked Example 1: external comparison with NHSN
Number of operations: N = 524
Number of SSI: O = 13
Infection rate: r = 13 ÷ 524 = 0.02481 (2.481%)
NHSN reference rate: R = 74 ÷ 5,640 = 0.01276 (1.276%)
Expected number of SSI: E = (0.01276*524) = 6.687
SIR = O/E = 13 ÷ 6.687 = 1.944
Confidence interval for SIR
[a] First calculate 95% confidence interval from Poisson distribution (O=13, α=0.95):
… Lower Limit(OL) = CHIINV[(1+0.95)/2, 2*13]*0.5 = 6.922
… Upper Limit(OU)= CHIINV[(1-0.95)/2, 2*13+2]*0.5 = 22.23
[b] Then calculate 95% confidence interval for SIR:
… Lower Limit= (OL/E) = (6.922/6.687) = 1.035
… Upper Limit= (OU/E) = (22.23/6.687) = 3.324
⇒ Confidence interval for SIR: 1.944 (1.035~3.324)
P (O=13, E=6.687)
= MIN[ POISSON(13, 6.687,TRUE), 1-POISSON(13-1, 6.687,TRUE) ]
= 0.01963764 {P<0.05}
Calculate the SIR, p-value, and 95% confidence interval for each of the following.
[a] the observed number of SSIs that occurred (22) to the expected number (13.6) …
in Table 4. Infection Control Report — Team A on p.20 in reference [Culver DH 3]
[b] observed 64 cases of leukaemia in children … and calculated that 45.6 cases would be expected.
on p.1315 of reference [Morris MJ 2]
SIR = O/E = 22/13.6 = 1.62
P = MIN[ POISSON(22, 13.6,TRUE), 1-POISSON(22-1, 13.3,TRUE) ] = 0.02195
OL = CHIINV[(1+0.95)/2, 2*22]*0.5 = 13.78728
OU = CHIINV[(1-0.95)/2, 2*22+2]*0.5 = 33.30826
95%CIL = OL / E = 13.78728 / 13.6 = 1.01377
95%CIU = OU / E = 33.30826 / 13.6 = 2.44914
Result: SIR ⇒ 1.62 (1.01~2.45) P=0.022
SIR = O/E = 64/45.6 = 1.4035
P = MIN[ POISSON(64, 45.6,TRUE), 1-POISSON(64-1, 45.6,TRUE) ] = 0.0058
OL = CHIINV[(1+0.95)/2, 2*64]*0.5 = 49.2878
OU = CHIINV[(1-0.95)/2, 2*64+2]*0.5 = 81.7266
95%CIL = OL / E = 49.2878 / 45.6 = 1.0809
95%CIU = OU / E = 81.7266 / 45.6 = 1.7922
Result: SIR ⇒ 1.40 (1.08~1.79) P=0.006
Worked Example 2: compare two surgeons: SIRx and SIRy (two standardised ratios)
he Ratio of Two Standardised Ratios
Using Example 5 on page 28 of the reference compare the SIRs of two orthopedic surgeons. [Culver DH 3]
Dr | O | E |
X | 8 | 8.44 |
Y | 8 | 2.60 |
SIRx = Ox / Ex = 8 / 8.44 = 0.95
SIRy = Oy / Ey = 8 / 2.60 = 3.08
SIRx ÷ SIRy = 0.95 / 3.08 = 0.308
Using the nomenclature in [Morris & Gardner 2] (AL, AU, BL, BU) and the binomial distribution:
= x/(x+(n-x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(n-x+1), 2*x))
= Ox/(Ox+([Ox+Oy]-Ox+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*([Ox+Oy]-Ox+1), 2*Ox))
= 8/(8+([8+8]-8+1)*FINV(0.05/2, 2*([8+8]-8+1), 2*8))
= 0.2465
= AL/(1-AL)
= 0.2465/(1-0.2465)
= 0.32716
= (x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(x+1), 2*(n-x))/(n-x+(x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(x+1), 2*(n-x)))
= (Ox+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(Ox+1), 2*([Ox+Oy]-Ox))/([Ox+Oy]-Ox+(Ox+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(Ox+1), 2*([Ox+Oy]-Ox)))
= (8+1)*FINV(0.05/2, 2*(8+1), 2*([8+8]-8))/([8+8]-8+(8+1)*FINV(0.05/2, 2*(8+1), 2*([8+8]-8)))
= 0.7535
= AU/(1-AU)
= 0.7535/(1-0.7535)
= 3.0566
Confidence interval of the two standardised ratios
= BL*(Ey/Ex)
= 0.32716 * (2.60/8.44)
= 0.10078
= BU*(Ey/Ex)
= 3.0566 * (2.60/8.44)
= 0.94161
P (binomial)
= MIN(BINOMDIST(x, n, p, TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(x-1, n, p, TRUE))
P (binomial)
= MIN(BINOMDIST(x, n, p, TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(x-1, n, p, TRUE))
= MIN(BINOMDIST(Ox, [Ox+Oy], Ey/(Ex+Ey), TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(Ox-1, [Ox+Oy], Ey/(Ex+Ey), TRUE))
= MIN(BINOMDIST(8, [8+8], 2.60/(8.44+2.60), TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(8-1, [8+8], 2.60/(8.44+2.60), TRUE))
= 0.01910 (P<0.05)
Results: comparison of surgeon X to surgeon Y
The ratio of the two SIRs: 0.308 (0.10~0.94), P=0.019
Calculate the SIR, p-value, and 95% confidence interval for the following.
[a] in the section Ratio of Two Standardised Ratios
on p.1315 of reference [Morris JA, Garnder MJ 2]
O1=64, E1=45.6, O2=25, E1=23.7
SIR1 = O1 / E1 = 64 / 45.6 = 1.4035
SIR2 = O2 / E2 = 25 / 23.7 = 1.0549
SIR1 ÷ SIR2 = 1.4035 / 1.0549 = 1.3305
Using the nomenclature in [Morris & Gardner 2] (AL, AU, BL, BU) and the binomial distribution:
= x/(x+(n-x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(n-x+1), 2*x))
= Ox/(Ox+([Ox+Oy]-Ox+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*([Ox+Oy]-Ox+1), 2*Ox))
= 64/(64+([64+25]-64+1)*FINV(0.05/2, 2*([64+25]-64+1), 2*64))
= 0.6138
= AL/(1-AL)
= 0.6138/(1-0.6138)
= 1.5896
= (x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(x+1), 2*(n-x))/(n-x+(x+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(x+1), 2*(n-x)))
= (Ox+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(Ox+1), 2*([Ox+Oy]-Ox))/([Ox+Oy]-Ox+(Ox+1)*FINV(α/2, 2*(Ox+1), 2*([Ox+Oy]-Ox)))
= (64+1)*FINV(0.05/2, 2*(64+1), 2*([64+25]-64))/([64+25]-64+(64+1)*FINV(0.05/2, 2*(64+1), 2*([64+25]-64)))
= 0.8093
= AU/(1-AU)
= 0.8093/(1-0.8093)
= 4.2429
Confidence interval of the two standardised ratios
= BL*(Ey/Ex)
= 1.5896 * (23.7/45.6)
= 0.8262
= BU*(Ey/Ex)
= 4.2429 * (23.7/45.6)
= 2.2052
P (binomial)
= MIN(BINOMDIST(x, n, p, TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(x-1, n, p, TRUE))
P (二項次)
= MIN(BINOMDIST(x, n, p, TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(x-1, n, p, TRUE))
= MIN(BINOMDIST(Ox, [Ox+Oy], Ey/(Ex+Ey), TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(Ox-1, [Ox+Oy], Ey/(Ex+Ey), TRUE))
= MIN(BINOMDIST(64, [64+25], 23.7/(45.6+23.7), TRUE), 1-BINOMDIST(64-1, [64+25], 23.7/(45.6+23.7), TRUE))
= 4.5408E-13
Results: the 95% confidence interval for the ratio of the two standardised ratios:
= 1.3305 (0.083~2.205), P<0.001
Worked Example 3: compare each risk category of surgery with the NNIS standard
Compare each risk category of procedure with the NNIS standard
Using Table 1 on page 2 of reference [Culver DH 3]
Example 3: Table 1 Data from cardiac surgery |
Code | Risk | i | n | r |
CARD | 0,1 | 3 | 80 | 3.75% |
CARD | 2,3 | 3 | 20 | 15.00% |
CBGB | 0 | 1 | 10 | 10.00% |
CBGB | 1 | 10 | 230 | 4.35% |
CBGB | 2,3 | 5 | 60 | 8.33% |
CARD=cardiac surgery CBGB=coronary artery bypass graft i = Number with SSI n = Number of operations r = SSI infection rate = i/n |
[1] Using NHSN data as the reference database, get the control group infection rate for each risk category
[ NNIS Risk Index ]
Example 3: Table 2 Data from NHSN publication |
Code | Risk | I | N | R |
CARD | 0,1 | 103 | 5,088 | 2.02% |
CARD | 2,3 | 63 | 1,191 | 5.29% |
CBGB | 0 | 13 | 819 | 1.59% |
CBGB | 1 | 1,010 | 32,065 | 3.15% |
CBGB | 2,3 | 446 | 7,745 | 5.76% |
I = Number with SSI N = Number of operations R = SSI infection rate = I/N |
[2] Compare SSI rates for each risk category
Pooled proportion ("p-hat"): p̂ = (i + I) / (n + N)
Yates continuity correction =
0.5 * (1/n + 1/N)
z = [ |r-R| - 0.5*(1/n+1/N) ] / SQRT[ p̂*(1-p̂)*(1/n+1/N) ]
For example, first row (CARD-0,1)
z = [ |r-R| - 0.5*(1/n+1/N) ] / SQRT[ p̂*(1-p̂)*(1/n+1/N) ]
z = [ ABS(0.375-0.0202) - 0.5*(1/80+1/5088) ] / SQRT[ 0.020511*(1-0.020511)*(1/80+1/5088) ]
z = 0.682986 ⇒ P = 1-NORMSDIST(z)
P = 1-NORMSDIST(0.682986)
P = 0.247308
second row (CARD-2,3)
z = [ |r-R| - 0.5*(1/n+1/N) ] / SQRT[ p̂*(1-p̂)*(1/n+1/N) ]
z = [ ABS(0.15-0.052897) - 0.5*(1/20+1/1191) ] / SQRT[ 0.0545*(1-0.0545)*(1/20+1/1191) ]
z = 1.400513 ⇒ P = 1-NORMSDIST(z)
P = 1-NORMSDIST(1.400513)
P = 0.08068
z = [ |r-R| - 0.5*(1/n+1/N) ] / SQRT[ p̂*(1-p̂)*(1/n+1/N) ]
z = [ ABS(0.1-0.015873) - 0.5*(1/10+1/819) ] / SQRT[ 0.01689*(1-0.01689)*(1/10+1/819) ]
z = 0.817589 ⇒ P = 1-NORMSDIST(z)
P = 1-NORMSDIST(0.817589)
P = 0.206796
z = [ |r-R| - 0.5*(1/n+1/N) ] / SQRT[ p̂*(1-p̂)*(1/n+1/N) ]
z = [ ABS(0.043478-0.031499) - 0.5*(1/230+1/32065) ] / SQRT[ 0.031584*(1-0.031584)*(1/230+1/32065) ]
z = 0.845944 ⇒ P = 1-NORMSDIST(z)
P = 1-NORMSDIST(0.848944)
P = 0.198792
z = [ |r-R| - 0.5*(1/n+1/N) ] / SQRT[ p̂*(1-p̂)*(1/n+1/N) ]
z = [ ABS(0.0833-0.057586) - 0.5*(1/60+1/7745) ] / SQRT[ 0.057783*(1-0.057783)*(1/60+1/7745) ]
z = 0.573746 ⇒ P = 1-NORMSDIST(z)
P = 1-NORMSDIST(0.573746)
P = 0.28307
Example 3: Table 3 P-values for each risk category (from z-test normal approximation) |
Code | Risk | r | R | P |
CARD | 0,1 | 3.75% | 2.02% | 0.247 |
CARD | 2,3 | 15.00% | 5.23% | 0.081 |
CBGB | 0 | 10.00% | 1.59% | 0.207 |
CBGB | 1 | 4.35% | 3.15% | 0.199 |
CBGB | 2,3 | 8.33% | 5.76% | 0.283 |
None of the p-values is lower than the arbitrary cut point of 0.05, so none of the SSI rates are "significantly greater" than the NNIS rates.
Worked Example 4: SIR as a risk-adjusted summary measure for different risk categories of surgery
SIR as a risk-adjusted summary measure of different risk categories.
Continuing Example 3 and calculating the expected number (E) of SSI and the SIR for each risk category
The Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR) is the ratio of observed number of SSI to the expected number.
Code | Risk | i | n | R | E | SIR |
CARD | 0,1 | 3 | 80 | 2.02% | 1.616 | 1.856 |
CARD | 2,3 | 3 | 20 | 5.29% | 1.058 | 2.836 |
CBGB | 0 | 1 | 10 | 1.59% | 0.159 | 6.289 |
CBGB | 1 | 10 | 230 | 3.15% | 7.245 | 1.380 |
CBGB | 2,3 | 5 | 60 | 5.76% | 3.456 | 1.447 |
Total | 22 | 13.534 | 1.626 |
SIR = Σi/ΣE = 22/13.534 = 1.626
Worked Example 5: SIR for device utilization (CLABSI, CAUTI, VAP)
Device utilization ratios are proportions, even though both the numerator and denominator involve the counting of patient-days.
Example 5: Table 1 Data from central line use (CLABSI) |
Ward | Hospital | NHSN | ||||
i | n | r | I | N | R | |
ICU | 170 | 100,000 | 1.7‰ | 1,200 | 600,000 | 2.0‰ |
i, I:
number of CLABSI n, N: central-line days r, R: CLABSI rate defined as the number of CLABSI per 1000 central-line days |
Expected number of CLABSI: E = nR = (100,000)*(0.002) = 200
SIR(ICU) = i/E = 170/200 = 0.85
95%CI: LCL ~ UCL
= [CHIINV((1+α)/2,2*i)*0.5]/E ~ [CHIINV((1-α)/2,2*i+2)*0.5]/E
= [CHIINV((1+0.95)/2, 2*170)*0.5]/200 ~ [CHIINV((1-0.95)/2, 2*170+2)*0.5]/200
= 0.727 ~ 0.988
= MIN(POISSON(170, 200,TRUE), 1-POISSON(170-1, 200, TRUE))
= 0.017
Worked Example 6: SIR as a summary measure for device utilization
Example 6: Table 1 Data from central line use (CLABSI) |
Ward | Hospital | NHSN | ||||
i | n | r | I | N | R | |
ICU | 170 | 100,000 | 1.7‰ | 1,200 | 600,000 | 2.0‰ |
5913 | 58 | 58,000 | 1.0‰ | 600 | 400,000 | 1.5‰ |
i, I: number of CLABSI n, N: central-line days r, R: CLABSI rate defined as the number of CLABSI per 1000 central-line days |
Expected number of CLABSI: E = nR = (58,000)*(0.0015) = 87
SIR(5913) = i/E = 58/87 = 0.667
95%CI: LCL ~ UCL
= [CHIINV((1+α)/2,2*i)*0.5]/E ~ [CHIINV((1-α)/2,2*i+2)*0.5]/E
= [CHIINV((1+0.95)/2, 2*58)*0.5]/87 ~ [CHIINV((1-0.95)/2, 2*58+2)*0.5]/87
= 0.506 ~ 0.862
= MIN(POISSON(58, 87, TRUE), 1-POISSON(58-1, 87, TRUE))
= 0.000616
SIR as a summary measure for device utilization.
SIR(ICU+5913) = Σi/ΣE = (i1+i2)/(E1+E2)
= (170+58)/(200+87) = 228/287 = 0.794
95%CI: LCL ~ UCL
= [CHIINV((1+α)/2,2*(i1+i2))*0.5]/(E1+E2) ~ [CHIINV((1-α)/2,2*(i1+i2)+2)*0.5]/(E1+E2)
= [CHIINV((1+0.95)/2, 2*228)*0.5]/287 ~ [CHIINV((1-0.95)/2, 2*228+2)*0.5]/287
= 0.695 ~ 0.905
P = MIN(POISSON((i1+i2), (E1+E2), TRUE), 1-POISSON((i1+i2)-1, (E1+E2), TRUE))
= MIN(POISSON(228, 287, TRUE), 1-POISSON(228-1, 287, TRUE))
= 0.000178
- Duceck MA, Horan TC, Peterson KD et al. Am J Infect Control 2011; 39: 798~816.
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Report, data summary for 2010, device-associated module.
[www.cdc.gov/nhsn/.pdf] - Morris JA, Gardner MJ. BMJ 1988; 296: 1313~6.
Calculating confidence intervals for relative risks (odds ratios) and standardised ratios and rates
[www.bmj.com/content/296/6632/1313] - Culver DH. 1996-04
Standardized infection ratio and rate/ratio comparisons
[SIR_Culver199604.pdf - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Epi Info: Free software for infection control practitioners (free software)
[wwwn.cdc.gov/epiinfo/] - The R Project for Statistical Computing.
R statistical software (free software)
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