The inter-relationship of cut sets, path sets and system reliability

How to use cut sets and path sets to change the reliability and vulnerability of system processes

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Cut Sets

Definition of Cut Set

Finding Cut Sets

  1. Ignore all tree elements except the initiators (basic events)
  2. Starting immediately below the TOP event, assign a unique letter to each gate (TOP gate is A. Do not repeat letters.
  3. Starting immediately below the TOP event, assign a unique number to each initiator. If a basic initiator appears more than once, represent it by the same number at each appearance.
Figure 1. Blank fault tree
Figure 1. Blank fault tree
Figure 2. Fault tree with initiators and gates labelled.
Figure 2. Fault tree with initiators and gates labelled.

Proceeding stepwise from TOP event downward, construct a matrix using the letters and numbers, starting with the TOP A gate.

    • Replace the letter for each AND gate by the letter(s)/number(s) for all gates/initiators which are its inputs. Display these horizontally, in matrix rows.
    • Replace the letter for each OR gate by the letter(s)/number(s) for all gates/initiators which are its inputs. Display these vertically, in matrix rows. Each newly formed OR gate replacement row must also contain all other entries found in the original parent row.
  1. A final matrix results, displaying only numbers representing initiators. Each row of this matrix is a Boolean Indicated Cut Set.
  2. By inspection, eliminate any row that contains all elements found in a lesser row.
  3. Also eliminate redundant elements within rows and rows that duplicate other rows. The rows that remain are Minimal Cut Sets.

Process Steps Explained

Figure 3. Cut set matrix producing minimal cut set
Figure 3. Cut set matrix producing minimal cut set

{Top row, reading from left to right}

  1. TOP event gate is A, the initial matrix entry
  2. A is an AND gate; B and D, its inputs, replace it horizontally
  3. B is an OR gate; 1 and C, its inputs, replace it vertically. Each requires a new row in the matrix.
  4. C is an AND gate; 2 and 3, its inputs, replace it horizontally.

{Second row, reading from left to right}

  1. D (top row), is an OR gate; 2 and 4, its inputs, replace it vertically. Replace D in its position by 2; duplicate this row as a new row and change 2 to 4.
  2. D (second row), is an OR gate. Replace it as before: 2 and 4, its inputs, replace it vertically. Replace the D and also add a new row in the matrix.
    All of the rows in this matrix are cut sets
  3. Remove duplicates in same row: 2-2-3 → 2-3
    Remove rows that contain other rows: 2-4-3 contains 2-3, so although 2-4-3 is a cut set, it is not the minimal one that involves the same initiators; so remove 2-4-3 row.
    The final matrix: 1-2 /2-3 / 1-4 are minimal cut sets.
    Minimal cut set rows are least groups of initiators which will induce TOP.

Cut Set Uses

Evaluating the probability of the TOP adverse event: ` P_T ≅ ∑ P_e `

Figure 4. Minimal Cut Sets.
Figure 4. Minimal Cut Sets.

Cut Set Probability ` P_k = ∏ P_e `

The product of probabilities for events within the Cut Set, is the probability that the Cut Set being considered will induce the TOP event. In Figure 4:
row 1: ` P_k^1 = P_1 × P_2 `
row 2: ` P_k^2 = P_1 × P_3 `
row 3: ` P_k^3 = P_1 × P_4 `
row 4: ` P_k^4 = P_3 × P_4 × P_5 × P_6 `
` P_T ≅ ∑ P_e = P_k^1 + P_k^2 + P_k^3 + P_k^4 `

Evaluating "Importance"

Evaluating Structural Cut Set "Importance".

Analyzing Structural Importance enables qualitative ranking of contributions to System Failure. All other things being equal …

  • a LONG Cut Set signals low vulnerability (for example, rows 4 in Table 4)
  • a SHORT Cut Set signals higher vulnerability (rows 1~3 in Table 4)
  • The presence of NUMEROUS Cut Sets signals high vulnerability
  • A single cut set signals a Potential Single-Point Failure.

Evaluating Quantitative Cut Set "Importance".

The quantitative importance of a Cut Set ( `I_k` ) is the numerical probability that, given the TOP has occurred, that Cut Set has introduced it.

`I_k = P_k / P_T ` where `P_k = ∏ P_e ` for that minimal cut set.

Analyzing Quantitative Importance enables numerical ranking of contributions to System Failure. To reduce system vulnerability most effectively, attack Cut Sets having greater Importance. Generally, short Cut Sets have greater Importance, long Cut Sets have lesser Importance.

Evaluating Item "Importance".

The quantitative Importance of an item ( `I_e` ) is the numerical probability that, given the TOP has occurred, that item has contributed to it.

` I_e ≅ ∑^(N_e) I_(ke) `
` N_e ` = Number of Minimal Cut Sets containing Item e
` I_(ke) ` = Importance of the Minimal Cuts Sets containing Item e Example: Importance of item 1:
` I_1 ≅ ((P_1 × P_2) + (P_1 × P_3) + (P_1 × P_4)) / P_T `

Evaluating "Common Causes"

Figure 5. Cut set uses: common cause vulnerability
Figure 5. Cut set uses: common cause vulnerability

Legend: add unique subscripts to initiators, using a lowercase alphabet letter to indicate common cause susceptibility e.g. m=moisture, h=human operator, q=heat, v=vibration etc. Some initiators may be vulnerable to several Common Causes and receive several corresponding subscript designators. Some may have no Common Cause vulnerability — receive no subscripts.

All Initiators in this Cut Set are vulnerable to moisture. Moisture is a Common Cause and can induce TOP.
ADVICE: Moisture proof one or more items.

Path Sets

Definition of Path Set

Finding Path Set

Using Path Set to increase Reliability

Figure 6. CUT SET to PATH SET transformation
Figure 6. CUT SET to PATH SET transformation

Reducing Vulnerability: Summary

For all new countermeasures, THINK … • COST • EFFECTIVENESS • FEASIBILITY (including schedule)
Does the new countermeasure … • Introduce new HAZARDS? • Cripple the system?

Some AND Gate Properties.

Figure 7. Freedom from single point failure
Figure 7. Freedom from single point failure

Cost: Assume two identical elements having `P = 0.1`
TOP `P_T = 0.01`
Two elements (initiators) having `P = 0.1` may cost much less than one element having `P = 0.01`.
Redundancy ensures that either or may fail without inducing TOP.

Importance Measures

What are Importance Measures?

An effective way to separate, identify, and quantify values of individual factors which affect risk and the sensitivity of risk to changes in components. Common importance measures include:

System and component failures

Calculation Examples


`T = 1`/`year`
`A = 6×10^(-4)`
`B = 1×10^(-2)`
`C = 3×10^(-3)`
`D = 1×10^(-3)`

Minimal Cut Sets

`T•A = 1` / `year × (6×10^{-4)) = 6×10^(-4) `
`T•B•C = 1` / `year × (1×10^{-2)) × (3×10^(-3))` `= 3×10^{-5)`
`T•C•D = 1` / `year × (3×10^{-3)) × (1×10^{-3))` `= 3×10^{-6)`
`Σ(`minimal cut sets`) = F(x) = 6.33×10^{-4)`

Fussell-Vesely (FV)

  • Measures the overall percent contribution of cut sets containing a basic event of interest to the total risk
  • Calculated by finding the value of cut sets that contain the basic event of interest `(x_i)` and dividing by the value of all cut sets representing the total risk (baseline risk)
    FVxi = F(i) / F(x)
    F(i) is risk from just those cut sets that contain event `x_i`
    F(x) is the total risk from all cut sets
  • The FV range is from 0 to 1 (0% to 100%)
  • `FV_T = F_T` / `F_x `
    `FV_T = (6.33×10^(-4)) ` / ` (6.33×10^(-4))`
    `FV_T = 1.0`

    `FV_A = F_A ` / ` F(x) `
    `FV_A = (6.00×10^(-4)) ` / ` (6.33×10^(-4)) `
    `FV_A = 0.948`

    `FV_B = F_B ` / ` F(x) `
    `FV_B = (3.00×10^(-5)) ` / ` (6.33×10^(-4)) `
    `FV_B = 0.047`

    `FV_C = [F_C + F_D] ` / ` F(x) `
    `FV_C = [(3.00×10^(-5)) + (3.00×10^(-6))] ` / ` (6.33×10^(-4))`
    `FV_C = 0.052`

    `FV_D = F_D ` / ` F(x) `
    `FV_D = (3.00×10^(-6)) ` / ` (6.33×10^(-4))`
    `FV_D = 0.005`

    Risk Reduction Importance (risk Reduction Worth RRW)

    RRRT `= F_x ÷ (0)`
    RRRT `= (6.33×10^(-4)) ÷ (0) = ∞`

    RRRA `= F_x ÷ (0 + TBC + TCD)`
    RRRA `= (6.33×10^(-4)) ÷ (3.3×10^(-5))`
    RRRA `= 19.18`

    RRRB `= F_x ÷ (TA + 0 + TCD)`
    RRRB `= (6.33×10^(-4)) ÷ (6.03×10^(-4))`
    RRRB `= 1.05`

    RRRC `= F_x ÷ (TA + 0 + 0)`
    RRRC `= (6.33×10^(-4)) ÷ (6.00×10^(-4))`
    RRRC `= 1.06`

    RRRD `= F_x ÷ (TA + TBC + 0)`
    RRRD `= (6.33×10^(-4)) ÷ (6.30×10^(-4)) `
    RRRD `= 1.00`

    Risk Achievement Worth (RAW)

    `RAW_T = Σ [ (T=1)A + (T=1)BC + (T=1)CD ] ` / ` (6.33×10^-4) `
    `RAW_T = (6.33×10^-4) ` / ` (6.33×10^-4) ` ` = 0.00063 ` / ` 0.00063 `
    `RAW_T = 1.0 ` `(RII_T = 0.0) `

    `RAW_A = Σ[T(A=1) + TBC + TCD] ` / ` (6.33×10^-4) `
    `RAW_A = (1.000033) ` / ` (6.33×10^-4)`
    `RAW_A = 1579.78` `(RII_A = 0.9994)`

    `RAW_B = Σ[TA + T(B=1) + TCD] ` / ` (6.33×10^-4) `
    `RAW_B = (3.603×10^-3) ` / ` (6.33×10^-4)` `= 0.003603 ÷ 0.00063 `
    `RAW_B = 5.691943128 ≈ 5.692` `(RII_B = 0.00297)`

    `RAW_C = Σ[TA + TB(C=1) + T(C=1)D] ` / ` (6.33×10^-4) `
    `RAW_C = (1.16×10^-2) ` / ` (6.33×10^-4)`
    `RAW_C = 18.32543444 ≈ 18.325` `(RII_C = 0.010967) `

    `RAW_D = Σ[TA + TBC + TC(D=1)] ` / ` (6.33×10^-4) `
    `RAW_D = (3.63×10^-3) ` / ` (6.33×10^-4)`
    `RAW_D = 5.734597156 ≈ 5.735` `(RII_D = 0.002997)`

    Birnbaum Importance

    [How to find the First Derivative of a function

    Birnbaum Importance

    `Bi_T = Σ[(T=1)A + (T=1)BC + (T=1)CD] − (0) `
    `Bi_T = (6.33×10^-4) − (0)`
    `Bi_T = 6.33×10^-4`

    `Bi_A = Σ[T(A=1) + TBC + TCD] − (0 + TBC + TCD)`
    `Bi_A = (1.0) − (3.3×10^-5) `
    `Bi_A = 1.0`

    `Bi_B = Σ[TA + T(B=1)C + TCD] − (TA + 0 + TCD)`
    `Bi_B = (3.603×10^-3) − (6.03×10^-4) `
    `Bi_B = 3.0×10^-3`

    `Bi_C = Σ[TA + TB(C=1) + T(C=1)D] − (TA + 0 + 0)`
    `Bi_C = (1.16×10^-2) − (6.00×10^-4)`
    `Bi_C = 1.10×10^-2`

    `Bi_D = Σ[TA + TBC + TC(D=1)] − (TA + TBC + 0)`
    `Bi_D = (3.63×10^-3) − (6.30×10^-4) `
    `Bi_D = 3.0×10^-3`

    Path Sets and Reliability

    Figure 8. Freedom from single point failure
    Figure 8. Freedom from single point failure

    Path Set Probability (`P_p`) is the probability that the system will suffer a fault at one or more points along the operational route modeled by the path.

    `P_p ≅ ΣP_e`

    Practice Scenarios

    #1. Alarm clock fails to awaken sleeper.


    Figure 9. FTA diagram for artificial wakeup
    Figure 9. FTA diagram for artificial wakeup

    Assume 260 operations/year. Basic events (and rate as faults/year)

    1. Hour hand on the alarm clock jams works: 1/20
    2. Hour hand falls off: 1/10
    3. Electrical fault: 1/15
    4. Power outage: 3/1
    5. Forget to set: 2/1
    6. Faulty mechanism: 1/10
    7. Forget to wind: 3/1
    8. Nocturnal deafness: negligible

    Logic Analysis.

    • [1] AND [2] result in a "{a} Mechanical Fault" (4th level event)
    • {a} OR [3] result in "{b} Faulty Innards" (3rd level event)
    • {b} OR [4] OR [5] result in "{c} Main Plug-in Clock Fails" (2nd level event)
    • [6] OR [7] OR [8] result in "{d} Backup (Windup) Clock Fails" (2nd level event)
    • {c} AND {d} result in "{e} Alarm Clock Fails" (1st level event)
    • {e} OR {f} result in "{g} Artificial Wakeup Fails" (top level event)
    #2. Sclerotic scurvy —the astronaut's scourge.


    Figure 10. FTA for astronaut scurvy
    Figure 10. FTA for astronaut scurvy


    Sclerotic scurvy infects 10% of all returning astronauts. Incubation period is 13 days. For a week thereafter, victims of the disease display symptoms which include malaise, lassitude, and a very crabby outlook. Anti-toxin administered during the incubation period is 100% effective in preventing the disease when administered to an infected astronaut. However, for an uninfected astronaut, it produces disorientation, confusion, and intensifies all undesirable personality traits for about seven days. A test can be used during the incubation period to determine whether an astronaut has been infected. The test for infection produces a false positive result in 2% of all uninfected astronauts and a false negative result in one percent of all infected astronauts.

    Both treatment of an uninfected astronaut and failure to treat an infected astronaut constitute in malpractice.


    Using the test for infection and the anti-toxin, if the test indicates need for it, what is the probability that a returning astronaut will be a victim of malpractice?

    Find minimal cut sets and path sets.


    Figure 11. Fault Tree labelled and numbered for cut set analysis
    Figure 11. Fault Tree labelled and numbered for cut set analysis


    Figure 12. Fault Tree #prac01 for cut set analysis
    Figure 12. Fault Tree #prac01 for cut set analysis


    Figure 13. Fault Tree #prac02 for cut set analysis
    Figure 13. Fault Tree #prac02 for cut set analysis


    Figure 14. FTA diagram for #pathset pratice
    Figure 14. FTA diagram for #pathset pratice

    Solutions to practice examples

    Find minimal cut sets and path sets.


    Figure 15. solution to #artificial wakeup (figure 9)
    Figure 15. solution to #artificial wakeup (figure 9)


    Figure 16. solution to #prac01 (figure 12)
    Figure 16. solution to #prac01 (figure 12)


    Figure 17. solution to #prac02 (Figure 13)
    Figure 17. solution to #prac02 (Figure 13)


    Figure 18. solution to #pathset (Figure 14)
    Figure 18. solution to #pathset (Figure 14)


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