Single choice response questions for leading a culture of safety
Establish a Compelling Vision for Safety
Yes= No= Are the CEO and the leadership team able to clearly communicate the vision to all parties, in both internal and external interactions?
Yes= No= Can all members of the organization articulate the vision for safety and how it relates to their individual work?
Yes= No= Is a patient safety and quality dashboard (which includes safety culture metrics) utilized and regularly reviewed in the context of organizational vision?
Valid Trust, Respect, and Inclusion
Yes= No= Are all clinicians and workforce members provided with training in communicating with patients, including disclosure and apology?
Yes= No= Are measures of respect included in all performance assessment tools?
Yes= No= Is a formal program for respect and trust in place and evaluated regularly?
Yes= No= Is there systematic training on diversity and inclusion for both the clinical and non-clinical workforce?
Yes= No= Do the Board and leadership team regularly create and evaluate improvement plans for addressing disparities in patient care?
Select, Develop, and Engage Your Board
Yes= No= Does the Board conduct regular self-assessments related to knowledge and understanding of culture of safety?
Yes= No= Are programs in place to build competencies in culture improvement for Board members?
Yes= No= Is the amount of time spent on quality and safety during each Board meeting tracked and at least comparable to time spent on finance and other items?
Yes= No= Do performance assessments for the CEOinclude the organizations's safety activities and measures of culture?
Yes= No= Do patient safety and quality leaders participate in at least a portion of all Board meetings?
Yes= No= Is a patient and/or workforce story presented at each Board meeting?
Prioritize Safety in Selection and Development of Leaders
Yes= No= Do all leaders receive training in patient safety science and safety culture?
Yes= No= Is at least one member of the executive leadership team a Certified Professional in Patient Safety or a safety expert?
Yes= No= Are leadership development plans reviewed annually? Do they include measures of key safety culture competencies?
Yes= No= Do leadership development programs include cultivation of a robust skill set in communication, engagement, listening, performance improvement, and emotional intelligence, as well as business acumen?
Lead and Reward a Just Culture
Yes= No= Do Board, leadership, and workforce development programs include training on just culture?
Yes= No= Is there one set of defined behavioral standards for all individuals within the organization, including leadership, physicians, and the workforce?
Yes= No= Is compliance with the established just culture framework part of regularly reviewed performance reviews, including career development plans, for leaders and the workforce?
Yes= No= Does the organization use, evaluate, and define action plans related to measures of just culture on employee surveys?
Yes= No= Is there an existing measure that is regularly evaluated for assessing frontline knowledge of just culture algorithm?
Establish Organizational Behavior Expectations
Yes= No= Does the organization have a clearly defined reporting system and measure utilization of this system (including follow-up and feedback processes)?
Yes= No= Are organizational behavior expectations, such as use of huddles and briefings, with follow-up plans and identified owners of action items, implemented and reviewed regularly?
Yes= No= Are professional accountability standards (e.g. a process to address disruptive behaviors) in place, used, and regularly evaluated?
Yes= No= Are specific tools to encourage teamwork and clear communication in plae, used, and regularly evaluated?
Yes= No= Are communication and resolution/reconciliation programs in place, utilized, and regularly evaluated?
American College of Healthcare Executives.
Leading a Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for (pdf:48pp)