Safety Culture Maturity

Annual assessment of which of five stages has been reached

Table 1. Maturity levels of safety culture.
Maturity Levels Approach to Improving Patient Safety Culture
Pathological No systems in place to promote a positive safety culture
Reactive Systems are piecemeal, developed only in respone to occurrences and/or regulatory or accreditation requirements
Calculative Systematic approach to patient safety exists, but implementation is patchy and inquiry into events is limited to circumstances surrounding specific event
Proactive Comprehensive approach to promoting a positive safety culture exists; evidence-based intervention implemented across the organization
Generative Creation and maintenance of a positive safety culture are central to mission of the organization; organization evaluates the effectiveness of interventions and drains every last drop of learning from failures and successes and takes meaningful action to improve
  1. Fleming M, Wentzell N. Patient safety culture improvement tool: development and guidelines for use. Healthcare Quarterly 2008; 11 (3 Spec No):10-15. (pdf:11pp)