Vision |
Develop vision for safety and zero harm |
Complete and review regular culture of safety surveys |
Conduct training to build understanding and enthusiasm for vision among workforce |
Clearly communicate vision to patients and the public |
Benchmark progress with other organizations |
Innovate and exceed benchmark organizations |
Trust, Respect, and Inclusion |
Provide education and training on respect, diversity, and inclusion |
Implement workforce safety programs, addressing both physical and psychological safety |
Encourage, recognize, and reward reporting |
Implement communication and resolution programs |
Develop and share patient and provider compacts |
Participate in full transparency with the public around harm events and action plans for improvement |
Board Engagement |
Invest in resources for Board education |
Board completes regular self-assessments for safety and culture competencies |
Include clinical and safety expertise on all Boards and committees |
Include a patient/family representative on all Boards and committees |
Include Board members on rounds and in cross-organizational and external learning opportunities |
Bring patients to the board to tell their stories |
Leadership Development |
Define organizational leadership competencies |
Define processes for leadership development at all levels |
Provide continuing education opportunities in safety science and culture |
Develop systems for training, coaching, and mentoring current and prospective leaders |
Provide opportunities for cross-departmental training |
Provide opportunities for learning from outside organizations and industries |
Just Culture |
Develop just culture policy and align across systems and departments |
Educate Board, leadership, and workforce |
Utilize just culture principles in all event reviews and decisions |
Develop metrics for just culture and hold workforce accountable |
Treat gaps in culture as adverse events |
Involve the media to explain errors, data, and decisions to the public |
Behavior Expetations |
Define organization-wide required processes and expected behaviors |
Define organizational response to disrespectful or disruptive behavior |
Encourage open reporting and safety discussions and provide transparent feedback |
Hold all leaders and workforce accountable for organization-wide expected behaviors |
Recognize and reward workforce engaging in defined safety behaviors |
Engage patients in all team activities and communication processes |