Rare events: definition, monitoring, interpretation

There are many examples in healthcare

What is a rare event?

If a rare event is roughly defined as something that occurs with a frequency of less than 10%, then there are many examples in healthcare including medication errors, patient falls, nosocomial infections, surgical complications and VAP. If non-rare event, rate-based, control charts are used to monitor these adverse events, they have the following problems:

Figure 1a: Peaks and valleys with no events for long periods of time[1]
Figure 1a: Peaks and valleys with no events for long periods of time
Figure 1b: Prolonged periods with no events[1]
Figure 1b: Prolonged periods with no events
Which raises the question:
How long before we can say with confidence that the process has shown significant improvement?
[See Table 1 at the bottom of this page]

Practical Implementation

  • If no defect (SSI) by end of month, plot total number cases so far
    • Can still detect an improvement even before next SSI
  • Update point when eventually have a failure
Figure 2a. Days between VAP example[1]
Figure 2a. Days between VAP example
Figure 2b. If no defect (SSI) by end of month[1]
Figure 2b. If no <q>defect</q> (SSI) by end of month

Often compliance with a related process is used to indirectly assess a clinical outcome. Some examples:

Solutions are based on measuring the event interval:

This data is relatively easy to collect: you only need to record the dates that events occurred.
However, evaluating the interval control needs a change in thinking.

Chart Interpretation — identifying process change

#1. A higher value on the chart means that the rate of the event occurring has actually decreased because the time between events is longer. For adverse events this is a good thing.
Similarly, a smaller value plotted on the chart means that the rate of the event occurring has increased.
#2. Runs above or below baseline median
  • 5 ~ 6 points = Probable improvement
  • 5 ~ 6 points = Probable improvement
  • 8 points or more = Near-certain improvement
Figure 3. Number of cases between surgical site infections (SSI)[1]
Figure 3. Number of cases between surgical site infections (SSI)
#3. Simple rule {3:X̄ rule}:
  • Compute baseline average time-between (can be overall, which is more conservative), or before changes.
    • Plot the time or number between events.
    • Check if the plotted value > 3 times the average?
      If so, improvement (reduction in rate) at approximately 0.05 significance level.
      Alternatively use 4 x baseline for approximately 0.02 significance.
  • Number of consecutive months with zero cases.
    • Plot the number of cases per month. Calculate the monthly baseline average.
    • Divide 3 by the monthly baseline average.
      Is the number of consecutive months with zero > 3 times the average? If so, improvement (reduction in rate) at approximately 0.05 significance level.
    • The lower the rate (rare event), the longer the period of consecutive zeros required to confirm improvement (Table 1).
      For example, if an event occurs each month (12/year), thens 3 consecutive months of zeros are required, whereas a rate of 1 event per year would need 3 years of zeros for confirmation.
Number-between 3 X̄ rule[1]
Number-between <q>3 X̄</q> rule
Baseline average = 20.6 (horizontal blue line, thick on left, dotted on right) ↠
   3 × 20.6 = 61.8 → Possibly (p≅0.05) [dotted horizontal orange line]
   4 × 20.6 = 82.4 → Improvement (p<0.02) [thick red horizontal line]

Table 1. Number of zeros required to confirm improvement
Events = number of events per year
Zeros = number of months of consecutive zeros required for confirmation
Events CL 3/CL Zeros
1 0.08 36.0 36
3 0.25 12.0 12
6 0.50 6.0 6
12 3.00 3.0 3
15 1.25 2.4 3
18 1.50 2.0 2
21 7.75 1.7 2
24 2.00 1.5 2


  1. Benneyan, James. Measuring rare events and time-between measures www.ihi.org.