Portray all credible system operating permutations. Trace each path to eventual success or failure.
Reduce tree to simplified representation of system behavior. Use binary branching. Lead unrecoverable failures and undefeatable successes directly to final outcomes.
A fault tree or other analysis may be necessary to determine probability of the initiating event or condition. (Unity probability may be assumed).
Figure 1. Event Tree Analysis (Bernouilli Model)
Assess Risk and Judge Tolerability
Failure statement express Severity
Event tree analysis explores Outcomes/Assess Probability
Probability and Severity establish Risk
Is the Risk Acceptable?
If not, develop intervenors
Select intervenor(s) on the basis of
Feasibility (including schedule)
Event Tree Shortcomings and Advantages
Operating pathways must be anticipated
Partial successes/failures are not distinguishable
End events need not be foreseen
Multiple failures can be analyzed
Potential single-point failures can be identified
System weaknesses can be identified
Zero-payoff system elements/options can be discarded
NEBOSH National Diploma - Unit A | Managing Health and Safety
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Event Tree Analysis (ETA):
Element A3 | Identifying Hazards, Assessing and Evaluating Risks