Typ | Forms f |
N |
Rate1 f÷N |
LCL1 | UCL1 | Valid v |
Valid n |
Rate2 v÷n |
LCL2 | UCL2 | |
1 | 20 | 129 | 15.503875968992 | 15.50% | 10.27% | 22.74% | 20 | 20 | 100.00% | 83.89% | 100.00% |
2 | 396 | 727 | 54.470426409904 | 54.47% | 50.84% | 58.06% | 375 | 396 | 94.70% | 92.03% | 96.51% |
3 | 157 | 213 | 73.708920187793 | 73.71% | 67.41% | 79.16% | 151 | 157 | 96.18% | 91.91% | 98.24% |
4 | 236 | 360 | 65.555555555556 | 65.56% | 60.51% | 70.28% | 224 | 236 | 94.92% | 91.32% | 97.07% |
5 | 43 | 76 | 56.578947368421 | 56.58% | 45.39% | 67.14% | 41 | 43 | 95.35% | 84.54% | 98.72% |
A | 852 | 1505 | 56.611295681063 | 56.61% | 54.09% | 59.10% | 811 | 852 | 95.19% | 93.54% | 96.43% |
Typ (job category): 0=All staff, 1=doctors, 2=nurses, 3=technical, 4=admin, 5=other.
{columns with pale red background} = number of questionnaires attempted and saved to database.
{columns with pale blue background} = number of questionnaires assessed as valid by predetermined criteria.
Typ (job category): 0=All staff, 1=doctors, 2=nurses, 3=technical, 4=admin, 5=other.
{columns with pale red background} = number of questionnaires attempted and saved to database.
{columns with pale blue background} = number of questionnaires assessed as valid by predetermined criteria.
LCL(lower control limit) and
UCL(upper control limit) of 95% confidence interval of