Interval control charts for rare events

Interpreting "days-between" or "events-between" charts for rare events

What is a "rare" event?

If rate > 0.10 (number-between < 10), use rate-based control charts
• 3 SSI's in 20 patients = 0.15

If rate < 0.10 (number-between > 100), use number-between control charts
• 1 complication in 200 days = 0.005
• 1 needle stick in 100 days = 0.01

If 0.01 < rate < 0.10, use either/both control charts

If a "rare" event is roughly defined as something that occurs with a frequency of less than 10%, then there are many examples in healthcare including medication errors, patient falls, nosocomial infections, surgical complications and VAP. If non-rare event, rate-based, control charts are used to monitor these adverse events, they have the following problems:

  • The majority of points is equal to zero
  • It is not clear, just by looking, what it means (is it acceptable or not)?
  • Statistically not useful
  • Two type of situations can occur (Figure 1):
    1. Periodic rare events: "mountain range" appearance where the zeros are the valleys
    2. Prolonged periods with no events. Which raises the quesion: How long before we can say with confidence that the process has shown significant improvement?

Often compliance with a related process is used to indirectly assess a clinical outcome. Some examples:

  • Antibiotic timing for surgical prophylaxis, which is assumed to correlate with the SSI rate (Figure 2).
  • Compliance with WHO Surgical Safety Checklist, compared to perioperative adverse events (POAE).

Solutions are based on measuring the event interval:

  • Number of cases between events (g chart): for example, the number of surgical operations between surgical site infections
    • Number of open heart surgeries between sternal wound infections.
    • Number of CABG procedures between adverse events.
  • Time between (interval) events (T-chart): This is used because it is not always practical to measure the exact number between events. Some examples:
    • Days between needle sticks.
    • Number of inpatient days between patient falls.

This data is relatively easy to collect: you only need to record the dates that events occurred. However, evaluating the interval control needs a change in thinking.

Identifying process changes.

  1. A higher value on the chart means that the rate of the event occurring has actually decreased because the time between events is longer (Figure 3). For adverse events this is a good thing. Similarly, a smaller value plotted on the chart means that the rate of the event occurring has increased.
  2. Runs above or below baseline median
    • 3 ~ 5 points = Possible improvement
    • 5 ~ 6 points = Probable improvement
    • 8 or more points = Near-certain improvement
  3. Simple rule {3:x-bar rule}:
    • Time-between:
      • Plot the time or number between events. Compute baseline average time-between (can be overall, which is more conservative, or before changes).
      • Check if the plotted datapoint > 3 times the average? If so, improvement (reduction in rate) at approximately 0.05 significance level (Figure 2, last two points on the right). Alternatively use 4 x baseline for approximately 0.02 significance (Figure 2, last point on right).
    • Number of consecutive months with zero cases.
      • Plot the number of cases per month. Calculate the monthly baseline average.
      • Divide 3 by the monthly baseline average. Is the number of consecutive months with zero > 3 times the average? If so, improvement (reduction in rate) at approximately 0.05 significance level.
      • The lower the rate (rare event), the longer the period of consecutive zeros required to confirm improvement (Table 1). For example, if an event occurs each month (12/year), thens 3 consecutive months of zeros are required, whereas a rate of 1 event per year would need 3 years of zeros for confirmation.
Figure 1. "Mountain range" and periods with no events.
Figure 2. Antibiotic timing for surgical prophylaxis (which is assumed to correlate with the SSI rate) sets a goal of compliance at more than 90% (Figure 2).
Figure 3. A higher value on the chart means that the rate of the event occurring has actually decreased because the time between events is longer.

Table 1. Number of zeros required to confirm improvement
Events = number of events per year
CL = Events/month
Zeros = number of months of consecutive zeros required for confirmation

Events CL 3/CL Zeros
1 0.08 36.0 36
3 0.25 12.0 12
6 0.50 6.0 6
12 3.00 3.0 3
15 1.25 2.4 3
18 1.50 2.0 2
21 7.75 1.7 2
24 2.00 1.5 2


Benneyan, James. Measuring rare events and time-between measures.