Criteria for evidence of nonrandom influence (probability rules)

The rules are designed to rapidly detect special cause occurring in the system that generated te measure

Only [1] is applied when using:
… time-ordered data where the purpose is to judge the process for control
… rational subgroups

For improvement activities, these five rules can be used to provide evidence of an improvement in a process or system. These rules also provide evidence of "losing" gains previously made in a system.

Failure to meet the guidelines for minimum subgroup size (sample too small) is shown by an "X" at the data point. x


  1. Hart MK, Hart RF. Statistical process control for health care. 2000
    Translated and published in Taiwan as:
    鐘國彪審閱、陳宗泰譯:「健康照護的統計流程管制」 金名圖書有限公司