5S Sustain

Make sure the system keeps working

Make sure the system keeps working

Sustain is the long term goal and most challenging step of the 5S method where standardized procedures must be continuously applied until it becomes hapitual. Without sustaining, things fall apart and 5S concepts are forgotton.

  • Periodic training of staff
  • Refresher training for staff
  • Periodic internal support supervision by QIST (Quality Improvement Support Teams)
  • Periodic self-monitoring by WIT (Work Improvement Teams)
  • Quality competitions and awards for good practice
  • (Original) 5S poster development and display
  • Establishment of 5S corner within department/section and frequent updating
  • Display of 5S progress chart, table, and graphs
  • Continue to develop the system
  • 5 minute 5S
  • Involve people in the development of the system (get everyone's input and buy-in)
  • Build the system right the first time to eliminate the possibility of discouragement or discontinued use
  • Include Sustaining in the initial design of the system
  • As leaders, be sure to follow the rules set by the team
  • Develop the good habit of Sorting, Storing, Standardizing, and Sustaining everyday (it should become second nature)

Sustain focuses on taking all of the previous steps of 5S, including the standardized procedures, and transforming them into ongoing habits to ensure continuous improvement. Just having a basic system in place is not enough, and the existence of the Sustain step is a testament to this. When workers are required to do something new in the workspace, it will not become an automatic habit right away; it takes people time to actually form longstanding habits.


Secret to Success:


  1. Pojasek RB. Five S's: A tool that preparres an organization for change. Environmental Quality Management (Autumn 1999) pp.97-103. www.epa.gov/lean/
  2. Creative Safety Supply 5S Training and Research Page. www.creativesafetysupply.com/content/education-research/
  3. Creative Safety Supply 5S Guide. www.ksre.k-state.edu/agsafe/announcements/
  4. Ministry of Health, Lilongwe, Malawi. Health care quality improvement manual for in-service training. February 2019 (Final Draft)